At St. Marys Dentistry, we believe an informed patient makes the best decisions so we are always prepared to discuss benefits of treatment and prognosis. It is our goal to provide the best dental care for your long term dental health.

We are a family dental office who will strive to serve you with all your various dental needs.

Some of the services we offer are:

  • Preventive
  • Periodontal Care
  • Restorations
  • Extractions
  • Crown And Bridge
  • Implants
  • Root Canals
  • Dentures
  • Cosmetics
  • Orthodontics
St Mary Dental Clinic

Much More Than a Cleaning
Most people don't connect their mouths to the rest of their bodies, but the truth is, your mouth is the gateway to your body. The link between oral infections and other diseases in the body is becoming well documented and accepted within the health care community. Our dental hygienists are committed to providing you with clear information and clinical services to help you maintain your good physical health as well as oral health. As members of our dental health care team, our dental hygienists have a distinctive clinical and educational role to play in promoting good oral health for a lifetime.

Our dental hygienists are not just teeth cleaners - they also assess, plan and implement treatments, and evaluate your individual oral care needs. By tracking changes in your gums, it enables the hygienist to assess the health of your oral environment and plan a course of treatment that will help you to prevent disease that may affect your physical well-being.

When you think of it that way, your appointment with your dental hygienist is more than just a cleaning, it an opportunity for you to improve and maintain your good health.

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Periodontal disease is also known as gum disease. Gum disease is an infectious disease that effects the bone and soft tissues that support your teeth. Your gums go around your teeth like the collar of your shirt goes around your neck. This creates a pocket that surrounds your tooth. In healthy tissue this pocket ranges from 1-3 mm. The plaque that sticks to your teeth also resides in these pockets. An inflammatory response results when your immune system tries to kill these bacteria. In some cases the battle that rages between the bacteria and the cells of your immune system results in the loss bone that supports your teeth.

If you develop this disease then you are more likely to experience tooth loss. Other negative impacts to your oral health include persistent bad breath, bleeding gums, and painful acute infections. Periodontal disease has also been shown to have an impact on your overall health as well. For example, it has been shown that people with moderate periodontal disease are 2.5 times more likely to develop arteriosclerosis (hardened arteries). For these reasons it is important to prevent gum disease by having the bacteria removed from the pockets. This is done when the hygienist does your "cleaning". Periodontal disease is difficult to cure and often requires multiple visits and different interventions that can include antibacterial therapies, laser treatments and even gum surgeries in severe cases.

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Many people do not realize that tooth decay is actually a bacterial infection of the tooth. Dental plaque is a collection of millions of bacteria that secrete a sticky substance that helps them adhere to your teeth. Once there, they feed off sugars in your mouth and secrete acid. It is the acid that dissolves your teeth and this loss of tooth structure is what is referred to as a cavity. This process is often painless. However, once the bacteria reach the nerve inside your tooth the pain can be quite severe. It is important to have dental decay treated before this happens. This is done by your dentist surgically removing the decay with his/her drill and then replacing the lost tooth structure.

The replacement of tooth structure is what is called a restoration. A restoration can be in the form of a chairside "filling" or by an inlay or onlay. Inlays and onlays are made of porcelain and are cemented in place. They typically are stronger than traditional filling materials and, on average, will last longer.

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There are a number of reasons why a tooth will have to be extracted. The number one reason for tooth loss is periodontal disease. Second, when a tooth is so badly destroyed by trauma or tooth decay that it can not be restored. Lastly, by personal choice. Once tooth decay reaches the nerve inside a tooth the infected nerve tissue has to be removed. This is done by either performing a root canal or by extracting the tooth. Generally a root canal would be performed because it is the only way to save the tooth once the nerve tissue has been involved. However, in these circumstances the option of extraction is also given.

Once a tooth is lost it should be replaced. The gold standard for replacing a tooth is with a dental implant. The other two options are a bridge or a denture.

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A crown (sometimes referred to as a cap) is a full coverage restoration that restores the anatomical surfaces of a damaged or fractured tooth to their original contour and function. The anatomical surfaces are the parts of the tooth that you can see above the gum line. Typically, this type of restoration is recommended when there is very little tooth structure left to restore. The retention of filling material is poor without adequate surface to which the material will adhere. This results in the tooth requiring both constant and frequent repair. A crown covers over the tooth and large filling, giving it more strength resulting in a restoration that functions better and lasts longer.

A bridge is a dental prosthesis that is used to replace one or more missing teeth in the same arch. A bridge is permanently cemented into the mouth; therefore, you cannot remove it. It provides solid support to the structure of the jaw and prevents adjacent teeth from shifting.

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Missing teeth may be cute in small children, but many adults feel extremely self-conscious about their smile if they have experienced tooth loss. When you lose a tooth, there is a small area on your jawbone that no longer needs to provide support because the tooth and the root structure are no longer present. Your jawbone begins to lose its strength and firmness without that support. This deterioration does not happen immediately, but it is a concern for anyone who has missing teeth. Tooth loss can actually change your facial structure.

Dental implants are tooth replacement solutions that can actually protect your dental health by simulating your natural tooth and tooth root structure. A dental implant is a manufactured post that is designed to create a stable foundation for a natural looking tooth restoration. Placed directly into the jawbone, a dental implant is the closest thing to your natural tooth.

Dental implants are very strong because of the method of placement. There is no problem with slippage, which means that you can eat and speak with comfort and confidence. Looking at a smile with dental implants is like looking at a smile with natural teeth.

Most people are aware that every tooth has a nerve inside it. Once the nerve has been compromised the tissue has to be removed. The process by which the nerve tissue is removed and the inside of the tooth is disinfected is called a root canal.

A denture is a removable, artificial replacement for all of your missing teeth in one arch. It is made of acrylic with plastic or porcelain teeth attached to it. A complete denture will replace missing teeth in either the upper or lower arch, or the entire mouth. A partial denture is a removable appliance that replaces some missing teeth. The partial denture stays in place by metal hooks that clip onto the remaining teeth.

You only have one chance to make a first impression! A clean, healthy smile is attractive, sexy and a sign of self-confidence. Now you can design your own smile! Your smile says a lot about the person you are and it projects your self-image. Do you wish your teeth were a little whiter, shaped differently, not as crowded, or a space wasn't as prominent? Take another look at your smile and talk to your dentist about how you can improve your appearance by designing the course of treatment that is best for you.

Tooth Whitening
Only a qualified dental professional can perform tooth-whitening procedures. It is your dentist who understands your dental needs and who can protect your oral health. The results of vital tooth bleaching can be quite spectacular; however, it may not be the choice of treatment for everyone. For example, if you have an anterior white filling or a crown, the bleaching process will affect the colour of the natural tooth but not the restorations. The results can then be disappointing. That is why if you are considering whitening your teeth, you should discuss this with your dentist to determine which method will suit your needs.

Smile Enhancement
Your smile is one of the first and most important things people notice about you. It is a reflection of many things ... a joy in life, esteem, self-confidence, even strength of character. The impact that a dazzling smile can have on your life in the twenty first century is immeasurable!

A pleasing appearance can mean the difference between success and failure in both our personal and professional lives. At the center of appearance is your smile. Enhancing your smile is just another way to present yourself in the best light possible, as you will look good and feel good.

We can take years off your smile, and thereby greatly enhance your overall appearance. There are many procedures that can be performed to enhance your smile, your self-esteem, and your personal success. Often we can even improve your smile in just a few days. Come and see us for a consultation so we can evaluate your smile and explain how you can get a smile makeover.

We are now offering Orthodontics with traditional braces or Invisalign



At our office we use digital X-rays. There are a number of advantages to using this technology. First, there is no need for the harsh chemicals that are used to develop analogue X-rays. Second, they are stored on a computer and can easily be enlarged in order to help educate a patient. Third, developing them is much quicker. Lastly, and arguably the most important reason, is they require less radiation exposure to capture a good image.

Paperless charting is a much more environmentally friendly way of keeping records. The software we use also makes running our practice much more efficient both when the patient comes to his/her appointment and when the patient is finished.

The videos that are available on our website are for educational purposes. At our practice we endeavour to explain everything we do clearly and concisely in order that we can be sure the patient is making an informed choice. However, sometimes the amount of information given can make things confusing. That is why we have included animated videos on our website. These videos are located in the patient education centre and include detailed representation of the bulk of what we do. They are short, often only 30-40 seconds long, but very helpful.

For more education regarding various dental treatments please visit:

Each dental treatment and patient need is very individual. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions so that we can provide you with personalized help.
